In all honesty Elizabeth and I are both simply shocked and stunned. All we can say is: Thank You to all of our regular website users, thanks for coming back again and again and again! …and thanks for sharing links to our website with your friends. …this modern day word of mouth continues to the best advertising around.
We felt strongly that our buyer friendly strategy of providing users with all the information we can without registration, would reap benefits over the long haul, but neither of us foresaw the amount of traffic we are currently experiencing in such a medium sized market. I mean hey, Huntsville is no metropolis.
We truly thought things would begin to slow down in August, but the opposite has actually occurred. August marked our top traffic month thus far, with 37,796 unique visits and 16,761 clicks coming from the major search engines. We still expect to see things slow down, after all Real Estate is a seasonal business, perhaps it will be September?
Home Sellers – You Want your Home Featured on our Website!
Having your home featured on our website is similar to impulse item displays within any retail outlet. Impulse items are conveniently located in high traffic areas to entice shoppers to place an additional item in their shopping cart.
When your home is featured on our website it appears regularly in the sidebar of almost every page and is periodically displayed on our home page as well and with 409,324 page views in August alone this is a lot of highly targeted advertising impressions. This entices home shoppers to click on your home and take a look, if they like what they see, buyers often-time share your listing page with friends and family bringing you even more traffic.
Thus a featured home gets much more exposure to home buyers on our site than non-featured listings. The difference is substantial and we have the website statistics to show you.
Click on this link to learn more about Aggressively Marketing Your Home on the Internet or give my lovely wife Elizabeth a call 256-425-1659 or simply drop her an email.
– Tim
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