When you stop and think about Michael Jordan or Lance Armstrong and many others who have hit the mark, won the prize,or captured their coveted award what gave them the drive to make it happen? Whether it’s the Super Bowl ring, the Gold Cup, or a Gold Medal what light’s the fire within a person to achieve their dream?
To a local farmer in North Alabama, lots of hard work goes in to producing a crop for harvest. He begins with knowing the land and what kind of crop the field will produce. Then the hard work of tilling, weeding, and preparing the soil is done before the first seed ever gets planted. Does he do all of this hard work just to see rows of perfectly straight lines of wheat or corn? When his crop goes to the market, maybe it’s the bins full of perfectly harvested ears of golden corn that provides his reward.
So fellow Realtors, what is the Golden prize that motivates you and me? What makes us passionate about what we do? Certainly we all need a paycheck, but it has to be more than that. Statistics prove that although a high percentage of clients say they liked their Realtor and would use them again, only about 7% of clients actually call the same Realtor a second time. What does that tell us?
Working in the Huntsville Real Estate Market is similar to the farmer, as our job begins with knowing the field we are working. There is a lot of training involved, being on top of current market trends, and knowing how the Huntsville market will supply our client’s needs. After many hours of dedication and determination to give the best available information to our clients, are we going the extra mile to provide a personal touch?
I believe for me, the reward is from the client. After weeks and possibly months of working together, the relationship that is formed, many times, is more than a business relationship. Clients that have found their first home or their Huntsville Dream Home hopefully give the affirmatives that I desire to hear. Client hugs and handshakes are the warm fuzzies needed to claim the real estate gold medal of a job well done.
When this client and new friend, has moved into their new home and all is well, the relationship remains although we start the process all over again. We prepare, study the stats, and get ready for the next potential client. Once again, we have our eyes on the Gold – a satisfied client! Who could ask for a greater reward!
Whether a buyer or seller in the current market I can assist in bringing years of local market experience to your team so lets chat, email me or simply give me a call anytime 256-479-9337.
– Brenda
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I do hope you and your colleagues will think of us for your marketing needs when it comes to a tight marketing budget and needing your vacant listing to stand out among the crowd to get it sold quickly!
Thanks and look forward to reading more of your blogs!
Krisztina Bell, GA Realtor & President, Virtually Staging Properties
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