First let me apologize to all of our regular users for any inconvenience you are experiencing and will likely experience over the next few days. We have received several emails and have also had a few phone conversations regarding our current website development. …So here is what is going on, website wise:
We are in the middle of transitioning our Huntsville Real Estate Blog to a new website location. The Huntsville Real Estate Resource Center articles have always been focused on Madison and Limestone County real estate issues, current homes for sale, and market performance. This focus will not change, in fact the website and new company formation are going to enhance this focus and improve the quality of information provided many times over. on the other hand was designed as a ‘regional’ website and contains more general information regarding homes for sale all over the entire north Alabama area.
While we will be re-branding the Northern Alabama Homes website very soon, the site will continue to serve its current regional audience and is not going away at all, as some of you have raised concerns. …As long as we are in business in the Huntsville area, a re-branded NorthernAlabamaHomes will be alive and well with only additional enhancements and style.
In fact early next year and into the spring of 2010, we will be exploring partnerships with other regional brokers to expand our initial north Alabama regional effort into additional hyper-local focused websites like, @HomesHuntsville, hopefully across the entire northern Alabama area.
So stay tuned, we are going to clean up the current issues in no time at all.
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