I have really put off upgrading our WordPress software for sometime. The old cliche, if its not broke don’t fix it was certainly my mantra. However I found a new WordPress theme that I simply love called Thesis and I bought a development licence sometime ago and have used it on several other projects. Low and behold of course the theme would not function properly on our very old WordPress revision thus the recent WordPress upgrade to 2.7.1.
The Thesis Theme is likely more suited for techies but I found it so flexible and upgrade proof that I decided to give it a spin. So now with the new auto-upgrade feature of WordPress and Thesis this effort should never be as difficult as it was this time around.
We still have some widgets to deploy but everything seems to be going really smooth, hope you enjoy the new format. …BTW this was just a test postÂ đŸ™‚
Tim (Webmaster)
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