Wow! The response to the launch of our new MLS Search Engine at has been far beyond our expectation. We thought we would have to recruit a few helpful volunteers to assist us in testing the site and identifying bugs and weaknesses but we received several emails with questions and suggestions within the first 5 days of the site being up and active. Thanks so much!!!
One comment received stated that the neighborhood and school lists were long and difficult to navigate on the advanced search menus. This makes sense as there are many neighborhoods and schools in the North Alabama Area. For now our suggestion is to type the first letter or two of your target neighborhood or school and the menu will advance alphabetically and reduce your navigation significantly.
While we do plan to make the selections context sensitive, i.e. when selecting a city, we will filter the neighborhoods and schools accordingly, however we are not there yet. This user also suggested a quick search menu focused on Neighborhoods and Schools. Well we did it, just click on the link and take a look.
One user experienced a very long wait on a rather complicated Raw Database Search. The Raw Database Search is unique to our site and can overcome erroneous data entry fields. There are likely thousands of agents that enter MLS Listings and yes from time to time there are miss spellings in key search fields, for example the city spelled as huntsvile, huntsvillle, etc. The Raw Database Search option reveals these anomalies to the user thus the user can include them in their search criteria.
However on this particular Raw Database Search the website reported an algorithmic error and we have since fixed this problem. Nevertheless, one should suspect the more detailed the search criteria (and on these advanced search menus there can be plenty) the longer it will take to get results.
Another commenter reported an issue that the bed and bath room selections were not being used as minimums in the search query. We have adjusted this and it is now working properly.
There were several more questions so we have put together an FAQ Page to capture these and you may browse them at your leisure. If anything is not covered there or you have other questions or suggestions on how we can make this site the Best MLS Search Engine in the area please drop up a note.
Thanks – Elizabeth
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